All objects have two methods collision and on_collision.


This method check if objects is in collision with another object. This returns a boolean.

On collision

This is called from MoveAction and MultipleMoveAction when collision methods returns True.

Create another Object

On your create a wall object at the end of file:

class Wall(Object):
    x = 10
    y = 10
    width = 20
    height = 10
    color = 'blue'
    char = '~'

And add it to scene:

# ...
# Import wall
from objects import Wall

class Scene(BaseScene):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # ...
        # Add Wall object 
        self.wall = Wall()

Blocking ball move in wall

Update your move methods of ball.

    def up(self):
        self.y -= 1
        if self.collision(self.scene.wall):
            self.y += 1

    def down(self):
        self.y += 1
        if self.collision(self.scene.wall):
            self.y -= 1

    def left(self):
        self.x -= 1
        if self.collision(self.scene.wall):
            self.x += 1

    def right(self):
        self.x += 1
        if self.collision(self.scene.wall):
            self.x -= 1